It was that day of the year again. I knew he would be waiting for me. Yellow had always been his favourite colour. He always brought yellow roses for me when he met me. And today, it was me who was taking them for him. It was raining heavily. We had loved rains. We held hands and walked in the downpour. He used to hold me tight when we laughed. My car’s tyre got punctured. But I had to give him the roses today. I take a bus. My raincoat is getting dirty because of the mud. But I take care that nothing happens to the roses. I hold them close to my heart. He helped me enjoy the beauty of the world. The bus halts and it is still a mile’s distance where he would be waiting, still waiting with great love and affection. I walk, I run, I want to be there as soon as I can. I finally reach him. I know he is still smiling. I lay the roses on my grandfather’s grave on his 75th birthday.
u write really well!!! The yellow roses are awesome.Keep up the good work
@Shantanu: thanks :)
ohhh....love it...shoo shweet
grandpas are best people in the world na...:)
Inspired beauty?
Or just out of heart expressions?
Ending was great!
@Gaurangi: thanks..yes they surely r n i've lost one.. :(
@Aditya: thank you..it was just an expression.
This is really very touching,nostalgic and a grt wrk too,awesome i mst say...
@nupur: thanks :)
lovely.......keep writing dear...i hav no words to xpress......
@Sahil: thanks:)sure, i will..
great work!! :)
OMG.. hats off to u ma'm.....
start writing a buk..
@Aditya: thanks..its a privilege to b appreciated by a gr8 writer!!
@Raman: thanks... n i can't c a buk of mine in d near future atleast..
yet another masterpiece! :)
i need to learn a lot of things from you!!!! uhm!;)
@Aditya: thanks :)
@Prateek: thanks a lot..u need to learn??????? i try n imbibe some of ur writing skills!
I thought the end would say your boyfriend/husband is no more...
but thats my mistake to think in only one direction.
Liked the way you wrote... very nice.
@afaque: that was d punch! thanks!! :)
good goodie good!
d ending is gr8.......... beautifully written shruti
it was awsome...............n the way u end it ..hav no wrds 4 it........
:) loved it
loved it shruti.............. :) all smiles
This one is truly a masterpiece! The ending made me emotional.. I'm sceptic about our future generation experiencing the richness of these special relations.. i.e. with our grandparents..
@Aadie, Kanika, Tiger n Taniya: thank u! :)
@Debdeep: that is true..at the same time, v also might not b as good as r grandparents when v reach that stage! :P :)
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